Lieu dit Falgayrenq, Jardin des amis, 12200 Le Bas Segala

Margaret et Yves Guerit
Lieu dit Falgayrenq
Jardin des amis
La Bastide-l'Évêque
12200 Le Bas Segala

Tel: 05 65 29 78 62

Open days:
Sunday 26 May 2024 10:00 - 18:00
Places de stationnement disponiblesBoissons et/ou pâtisseriesAccessible en partie pour personnes handicapéesAccès possible à des toilettesChiens non acceptésVente de plant(e)s

One of 2 gardens open near Villefranche de Rouergue on 26th May

This garden is open to visit by appointment

This Garden is also open to visit by appointment.

The garden is part of the wild setting of the Lézert valley in the middle of the woods. The seemingly informal style actually hides a thoughtful intention. The garden has been built on a small budget. It is above all the result of hard work and plants from exchanges with friends (hence the garden of friends) and cuttings, mixed with wild plants that abound around the garden. All this is mixed with an environmentally friendly gardening and a productive vegetable garden without pesticides and insecticides. The variety of perennials and shrubs provides an interesting diversity that will stimulate the plant lover, plus the garden has a spirit that I think promotes calm and meditation.

Map coordinates: 44.357542, 2.123427

The garden is located on the D269 between Villefranche de Rouergue and La Bastide L'Eveque between Les Martinets du Lezert and the bridge of Vezis. map on the website: www.amisdujardin.fr